Gond Katira Benefits For Male, Female, Skin & Acne – Edible Gum Side-effects Included


Gond Katira in English is Tragacanth gum or edible gum polysaccharide derived from locoweed plant sap. This sap is crystal-like when dry (when you buy it) and becomes jelly-like once soaked in water for a few hours. The benefits of gond katira are numerous, the best benefit of Gond katira is its cooling properties in summer. 

One of the main reasons for summer acne is the body heat or enhanced pitta energy in the body. This leads to an increase in clogged pores, increased sweating, increased cortisol levels and results in acne.

There are so many misconceptions about gond katira on the internet as it is often considered the same as gond which is used in making gond laddoos, However, both of these are entirely different. 

Read on to find out the difference and avail the benefits of this edible gum gond katira.

Nutritional Value of Gond Katira 

This is species of Astragalus plant, also known as shiraz gum, kateer, gum dragon etc. 100 grams of gond katira or edible gum contains Zero Fats (source), is Colorless, Odorless and has a bland taste. 

Once soaked overnight, It easily takes the flavour of any liquid poured on it, like shakes, milk, lemonade, rose syrup, khus syrup etc.

Benefits of Gond Katira 

Gond Katira before & after soaking in water overnight

Cures Heat Stroke 

Due to the cooling nature of gond katira, it is a prominent summer delicacy in India. It cools down the body and decreases the pitta levels in the body.

It even helps in decreasing the episodes of nose-bleeding in children that happen in summer due to excessive heat.

Beneficial in Liver & Stomach Disorders 

Known to treat dysentery and Jaundice (source), gond katira contains antioxidants that remove and flush out toxins from the body. 

People suffering from liver disorders must ask their health professionals before taking any supplements. 

Great for Reproductive Health

Other than keeping the reproductive system healthy, gond katira also helps in treating reproductive system disorders like gonorrhoea and syphilis.

Treats Constipation

The enzyme present in gond katira helps in digestion and acts as a laxative as well.

It adds bulk to the stool and clears the intestines effectively when consumed with enough water.

This treats many digestive and systemic disorders too, as stomach issues are believed to be the root cause of most body ailments. 

Boosts Immunity 

This edible gum or katira gond fights foreign elements and pathogens (disease-causing bacteria). This enhances the immunity and protects the person from various diseases. 

Helps in Weight loss

As mentioned earlier in this article, gond katira empties the intestine due to its high-fibre content and adds bulk to the stool

Also removes toxins from the body.

So keeps the hunger pangs at bay and makes you feel full for a long time without many calories. 

One of our most popular articles on weight loss is 7 days vegetarian gm diet plan.

Controls Blood Pressure 

Anything that is cooling to the body, also lowers blood pressure, although there are no proven pieces of evidence of gond katira lowering blood pressure levels. 

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence or urinary leakage is common not just in seniors but in young adults as well. If it is due to inflamed urinary bladder muscles, then gond katira is there for your rescue. It calms the inflamed muscles and helps in recovery along with the treatment for urinary incontinence

Better Sleep 

If you take gond katira with milk at night, its magnesium content will help you sleep faster as it boosts melatonin in the body. 

For Diabetes

Due to it’s high-fibre and zero sugar content, it becomes ideal for consumption by a diabetic person. See high fibre diet for diabetes

It helps the person feel full for longer and if some flavour is added to this edible gum, then it can even satisfy the sugar cravings.

Research is being done to make gond katira an insulin carrier medium for oral insulin tablets as well.  Also, read home remedies for diabetes

A Common Misconception About Gond Katira (Gond vs Gond Katira) 

Gond Katira or Tragacanth gum is not the same as the common gond of which the gond laddoos are made for new mothers, That gond is energy-giving and is heating in nature. 

While Gond Katira is cooling and calming in nature. 

How to Find out if you have Gond or Gond Katira

Gond Katira vs Laddoo Gond

Soak it in water overnight, if it becomes 4-5 times its size and jelly-like soft in the morning (as shown in the image below), then it is gond katira, otherwise, it’s gond. 

Even reputed websites like bodywise, fitelo and lybrate have considered it the same which is NOT true. It is a misconception, see the image below to differentiate

Gond is used to make laddoos once it’s fried in ghee (clear fat), it becomes super crunchy and adds a good texture and crunch to the laddoos. 

It is a powerhouse of energy and is a galactagogue, that is why it is given to nursing mothers to boost breastmilk production and to give them strength to handle the baby and nourish their bodies. 

Benefits of Gond Katira for Females

  • Enhances reproductive health
  • Balances hormones by balancing pitta
  • Helps in treating hormonal acne 
  • Not the same Gond that is taken after delivery 

Benefits of Gond Katira for Males

  • Helps in Early Discharge and erectile dysfunction treatment 
  • Boosts Sperm Count
  • Enhance fertility
  • Calms the irritated mind
  • Treats heat-induced headaches 

Note – None of these have been proven by scientific studies. 

Gond Katira Benefits for Skin and Acne Treatment

gond Katira benefits for acne, skin and body in summer

Gond katira is anti-ageing in nature which is why it prevents wrinkles, and fine lines, and decreases body heat thereby decreasing acne as well. 

It can be applied on the face with DIY Cooling face packs to decrease pimples, to calm the inflamed and heated skin. 

This Edible gum is also known to remove dark spots and ensure better wound healing. 

If the toxins in your stomach are the cause of your skin dullness and acne, then also gond katira is beneficial. As it clears the intestines and helps in clearing acne as well.

Try this Natural Cleansing Toning Moisturizing or CTM Skincare For Breakouts for clear and healthy Skin Faster.

How to Use Gond Katira for Glowing Clear Acne-free Skin in Summer 

There are two ways to use gond katira for clear skin, one is by applying it on the face and the other is by eating it. 

  • How to Make a face pack with Gond katira – Soak 2-3 crystals of gond katira overnight, it will become jelly-like the next morning. Add aloe vera gel and some chickpea flour and mix. This will make it paste-like, now apply it on a clean face and wash after 20 minutes. Use chilled gond katira for more benefits.


  • How to Eat Gond katira for Clear Acne-Free Skin – Mix the 3-4 crystals of katira gum with Mishri (crystalline or rock sugar), soak overnight and eat empty stomach daily in the morning. 

 Gond Katira with Milk 

  • More beneficial for calcium absorption as milk adds to the calcium content of gond katira.
  • Provides better sleep if taken with lukewarm milk at night
  • Improves fertility and sperm count in men
  • If your headache is due to heatstroke, then it will vanish when you take some chilled milk with gond katira
  • It’s a great addition to milk puddings and milkshakes as it adds bulk and enhances the texture.
  • Some gond katira recipes with milk are here.

Other uses of Gond Katira

  • Besides its health benefits, skincare benefits and benefits for males and females, gond katira is an excellent additive in many recipes, dessert garnishings, added in shakes, and gives body to puddings and other jelly-like food items.
  • Staying true to its name, gond katira is used in gums, sticking materials and pastels, watercolours etc. 
  • A powerful non-toxic ingredient which is why it is used in Food Packaging and it doesn’t interfere with the flavour of food packed inside the packaging as well.
  • Research is going on to make gond katira a new Drug Delivery Medium (source) as well. 
  • It blends well with psyllium husk (source) and aloe vera, so it is used with ease in the pharma and cosmetic industry as well.

How to Eat Gond Katira or Edible Gum 

Recipes with Water – You can add it to plain water, lemonades, and Sugar-free non-alcoholic summer drinks, add flavours to the usual watery gond katira and eat it as it is. 

Recipes with Milk – A great addition to Mango Shake, other fruit shakes, Rose Shake etc.

With Icecream – When topped and mixed with flavourful ice cream, gives a jelly-like texture and becomes quite palatable. 

In chutney, jams, and puddings – Adds body and helps in emulsification when mixed with chutney, jams and puddings etc. 

Side-effects of Gond Katira 

These are some heads-ups and things to consider while using gond-katira as 

  • Intestinal blockage or Heaviness – Increases bulk in the intestine so it can cause heaviness if not consumed with enough water and can even block it if consumed in large quantities without enough liquid.  Do This Instead – Always consume gond katira with enough water, milk or shakes of any kind. For example, one tablespoon of gond katira must be taken in one large glass of water or milk.
  • Allergic to Gums – People who are allergic to gums must stay away from this edible gum as well. It can cause allergic reactions so consuming it in a tiny amount is advised for the first time. Although this gum is non-allergic and non-carcinogenic in nature (source). The cases of allergy with Gond Katira are quite rare.
  • People suffering from respiratory Disorders should avoid it too.

Important Fact about Gond Katira – Gond and gond katira are NOT the same. 

Takeaway About Gond Katira Benefits

It is a nature’s wonder that once soaked for at least 4-5 hours if not overnight, becomes jelly-like and easily palatable when mixed with any drink or milk. 

It also reduces pitta and all its symptoms like mouth ulcers, acne, body heat, excessive sweating, irritability etc. 

So it is a great addition to the summer pantry and the benefits of gond katira must be availed after proper information only. 

It can be consumed easily by both men & women as it is excellent for both genders. 



  • Dr. Pratishtha (P.T)

    Dr. Pratishtha (P.T) is a Physical therapist (orthopedics) by education. She loves Nature, Skincare, Organized Spaces, Researching, and Holistic Healthcare. She is Pursuing a course in Food & Nutrition currently. Whenever She is not working, she is Definitely watching Netflix and procrastinating on reading a book! Find her on Linkedin

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Dr. Pratishtha (P.T) is a Physical therapist (orthopedics) by education. She loves Nature, Skincare, Organized Spaces, Researching, and Holistic Healthcare. She is Pursuing a course in Food & Nutrition currently. Whenever She is not working, she is Definitely watching Netflix and procrastinating on reading a book! Find her on Linkedin

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